10 October 2013

Upcoming events

Got some fun stuff coming up in the next couple weeks that LightWalker will be making a showing at...

First off, it's San Francisco Decompression on Sunday the 13th. I'll be there post brunch to hang out, dance, and enjoy the sights. Come sunset, LightWalker will stroll about and help light up the streets.

Then on Friday the 18th, I'm back in downtown Santa Cruz with the Museum of Art & History's GLOW Festival. It's a two night affair involving mostly fire on Friday and LED electronics and LEDs on Saturday. I'm being a rebel and will be there Friday cause they have more space that night and I want to go surf in Big Sur on Saturday. So, LightWalker will be walking the streets of Santa Cruz and dancing with Samba Stilt Circus and the Dancetronauts within the GLOW Festival from 7PM - 10PM.

Come join me!